Thursday, 5 July 2012


Hi there everyone, under recommendation from a few people i have decided to put up a quick post to anyone out there that likes what I'm doing with my warhammer 40k miniatures and would be interested in me painting any for them.

I'm working on a portfolio at the moment so i wouldn't really be looking at charging, unless someone wants a whole army painted, but obviously anyone interested would have to cover shipping costs to get the models to me and back to themselves and a small charge for materials depending on the size of the project. Also i wouldn't be adverse to painting more than just warhammer 40k  miniatures, if you have blood bowl, battlefleet gothic, flames of war, spartan games, or any other miniature models you want me to paint for you i would be interested.

so if anyone is interested please feel free to contact me at, please leave your name and a short description of the models you are interested in me painting and any ideas for colour schemes you would like, and i will get back to you ASAP!!


black_cat said...

Hi Warhost40k,

I saw your warseer post (and while in the process of replying it disappeared...) and I checked out your blog, and I liked your work. Try not to get dishearted by negativity. Your Eldar figure is especially well done and neat.

I am a comission painter, and I really understand your problem. I think I could offer some advice (hopefully without being patronising) on how to boost your portfolio cheaply :) :

1/ Go to your local GW/Gaming club. Game, chat and make friends. You'll soon be surrounded by terrible painters who love the hobby but hate painting. Offer to paint some of their models, a standard bearer or character perhaps. Get the organiser to announce your request. Maybe even handout flyers with your blog address. Take as many painted figures with you to showcase your work. I'm SURE people will snap your hands off if you offer to paint for free (and might even lend you their paints) and you'll quickly have a variety of models to showcase. But this does require you to be reliabe and a regular face (so people don't think your going to run off with their models).

2/ Ebay. This is a bit of a risky option, and requires you to fork out some cash initially. Buy a model thats flavour of the month (a grey knights HQ for example). Paint it up, get some practise/photos for your portfolio and then put it on Ebay with a starting bid to cover your investment. As long as you don't have a starting bid thats too high it should sell, and you might even make a profit :)

3/ I'm not sure where your based, but I'd try posting your orginal post on Gumtree. That way you'll reach people local to you.

4/ Put your Blog address and 'Will paint your models for free' in your signature. Then post a lot of comments and hope it catches someones eye :)

Hope thats useful, and good luck!

Unknown said...

hi black_cat,

thanks a bunch for the possitive feedback, its good to have feedback from someone who is already at the stage that i want to be at and knows how hard it is on the journey to get there, i started my blog because i just love warhammer 40k and all types of miniature wargaming and despite not always having the funds to be able to buy all of the models i need for my armies i still try and practice as much as i can, sometimes painting models more than once or twice to experiment with different ideas.

one of my thoughts also when posting this 'Ad' was that there may be some people out there that want a painted army in a particular scheme but for any number of reasons cant paint them themselves, also the prices to get them painted professionally is quite high (believe me ive done my research).

but thankyou again for your feedback and good luck with all your projects and ill start by putting a post up on gumtree as me and my fiance use it quite alot.

Happy Wargaming