Scenery Project

This is a Page dedicated to all things scenery, i currently have a few ideas and projects on the go and i will be keeping you all informed as to how they are developing. Any friendly advice, input and ideas are very much welcome!

So here we are with my first set of pictures for my scenery project;

 if you havent already guessed it im in the process of making a imperial guard/space marine fortress, to make the main bulk of the fortress i have used 2 bastion kits and a shrine of aquilla for the main doors and ruined cathedral section. i'm trying to depict an old ruined cathedral that has been reinforced as a strongpoint with a bastion and section of wall to provide an outpost for cover and support for the area. the board that ill be mounting the project on is rought 3 feet by 3 1/2 feet. i will be posting more pictures and expanding the article as i develope the project further.

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