Imperial Guard

This page will be covering all things Imperial Guard, as my main army this will be packed full of blog entries for Modelling, painting and games, so stay tuned and enjoy the Imperial Guard bombardment!!

Above is my current Imperial Guard army, the Valkyrie is for the most part finished, however every the perfectionist im still adding small bits of detail every now and then. On the left is my Chimera Troop Transport, still being painted as we speak but i will put up some more shots of both the chimera and valkyrie shortly.

Then we have 3 basic squads of imperial guard cadian shock troops, they're set out in rough 10 man squads but once theyre all painted ill be able to mix them up for specific strategic tasks in games. and finaly a commissar, who is mainly painted but i think ill be adding more detail soon.


 Here you can see the first of many valkyrie i intend to include in my army, the paint job isnt as structured as the chimera i have painted however i'm still happy with the way it has turned out, im thinking of having the same paint scheme as my chimera for my next valkyrie, what does everyone think?

Machanised Fury

So as you have seen from the pictures above i have a chimera in progress, for the most part it is almost complete but as i have set this blog up partway through the building of my army i will give you a brief summary of how my partly painted models are going, however for the next squad of shock troops in the army that are unpainted i will be puting up a step by step guide of how i paint them, and in the near future i will be doing the same for many of the models i will purchase. In fact i have a heavy weapons team in the post on its way to me that i will post a painting guide on. but for now, here are a few photos of the chimera after its last stage;

 This step was mainly enhancing the camo green effect throughout the model and adding a top highlight on all of the angles on the model also puting a coat of bleached bone (im still using old citadel colours for the time being) on the skull/wing/scroll iconography on the side panels of the chimera hull, if you have any questions about my paint scheme or any suggestions please feel free to comment.

And for the next step some texturing effects using citadel modelling sand and PVA glue to build up textured mud on the front plough and the front sections of the tracks and side, once the PVA has dried i'll be using some dry brushing techniques to give the mud a more authentic crusted on appearance on the chimera!

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